
What Is WEWE Multi–service Platform?


WEWE Global is a digital multi–service platform that connects the products of many companies with people all over the world.

A user who has created their account on the platform purchases the products and services offered. These are services of various kinds, since WEWE Global covers different sectors: travel, trading signals, academy courses, token stakes, and more. There is no limit to what can be on offer.

The features common to all services are:

  • They can be purchased by paying in cryptocurrency and in WEWE virtual token
  • The purchase transaction includes a WEWE virtual token fee
  • There are third-party companies chosen for their expertise and growth targets that can match those of the WEWE Global community.

It is an multi–service platform and not a simple platform because:

  1. These are products for different purposes and market sectors — they can be anything as long as they are interesting for the people at WEWE Global.
  2. The products belong to third-party companies and projects with which WEWE Global forms partnerships. WEWE Global does not manage the products directly, but integrates them into the multi–service platform so that people can use them.