

How to buy a CLOUD MINTING program:

1) click on the CLOUD MINTING section

2) Enter the PURCHASE section to see the list of cloud minting programs 

*PLEASE NOTE: If you don`t have access on BTC coins check this page.

When you enter the Purchase section, you will see a list of available programs. Select the first option, Cloud Minting 3, as shown in the photo below:
Your next step is to buy the program you want. In some countries, prices can start from 100 EUR, while in Europe they start from 500 EUR. The Cloud Minting 3 program can be purchased with BTC, ETH, or WEWEX.

To purchase with BTC, you need to deposit the specified amount into your BTC wallet, as shown in the following photos:

The next step is to deposit into your BTC wallet, so click on RECEIVE.

In the next step, the platform will generate a specific BTC address for you to deposit your BTC into.

Please note: for every future purchase, a new BTC address will be generated, so you need to follow the same steps.

After the BTC address is generated, you will be able to scan or copy and paste the address into your BTC wallet.

Always be sure to deposit an additional 40-60 EUR, in case the price is not stable and to also cover user fees.
